Listen to the chants here:
Coal (Don’t Dig it)
Coal (HUH), don’t dig it
Leave it in the ground, it’s time to get with it!
O, I, L, Y,
You ain’t got no alibi
You oily (HEY HEY) you oily! (HO HO)
People Gonna Rise
People gonna rise like the water,
Gonna shut this system down,
Hear the voice of my great granddaughter,
Saying: Climate Justice Now!
What you gonna do?
What you gonna do (WHAT)
When the world gets hot? (WHAT)
What you gonna do?
No more coal
No more coal
No more oil
Keep our carbon in the soil!
Say it loud, say it clear
Fossil fuels not welcome here.
Power to the People
Power to the People! (echo)
The People got the Power! (echo)
Tell me can you hear us! (echo)
Getting stronger by the hour! (echo)
Power! (echo) People! (echo)
People! (echo) Power! (echo)
To the tune of ‘Our roots go down’
Our planet calls, calls us to its aid…
We must act now, time is running out…
To the tune of ‘The Animals Went in 2 by 2’
The animals died out 2 by 2 lament, lament, the animals died out 2 by 2, lament, lament,
The animals died out 2 by 2, the elephant and the kangaroo,
And they all went out like a light when humans ruined the earth.
The animals died out 3 by 3…
The animals died out 3 by 3 the tiger shark and the bumble bee,
To tune of ‘Jerusalem’
And did they frack in ancient times?
Poisoning waters, once so clean?
And were their filthy rigs of doom
On England’s pleasant pastures seen?
And did a people’s movement rise
To drive Cuadrilla from our hills?
And let I-Gas and Rathlin know
To scrap their dark satanic drills?
Come join us here and sing your song;
Sing of the country you desire.
Our voices rise! These frackers are wrong.
Let’s call the tune now. We’re the Choir!
We will not cease from singing here,
Nor shall we rest till fracking’s banned.
Till we have kicked these frackers out
Of England’s green and pleasant land.
Consume Doom Doom Doom (To the tune of ‘Da Doo Ron Ron’)
Walking down the high street with my take away
Consume doom, doom, doom, Consume doom, doom
Send it to the landfill and have a nice day
Consume doom, doom, doom, Consume doom, doom
(Ba-du-ba) Yeah, it won’t bi-o-de-grade,
(Ba-du-ba) Yeah it’s all man made
(Ba-du-ba) Yeah, the workers are badly paid
Consume doom, doom, doom, Consume doom, doom
Take away, throw away (x3)
Walking down the high street I saw the light
Consume doom, doom, doom, Consume doom, doom
Looked into the future and had a fright
Consume doom, doom, doom, Consume doom, doom
(Ba-du-ba) Yeah, it’s looking bad,
(Ba-du-ba) Yeah the world’s gone mad,
(Ba-du-ba) What happened to the earth we had?
Consume doom, doom, doom, Consume doom, doom
Take away, throw away (x3)
Walking down the high street with my spade and hoe
We PLANT our own now, we plant our own
Digging up potato-oes and watching beans grow
We plant our own now, we plant our own
(Ba-du-ba) Solar panels on the town hall
(Ba-du-ba) Green jobs make a living for all,
(Ba-du-ba) Working together is our answer to the call
It’s our wake-up call, It’s our wake-up call.
SUStainability, SUStainability,
Biodiversity, biodiversity
Care for the earth, care for each other and more!
Hold This Earth
May this pool of love we have gathered here
Spread its wings and fly,
Far and near,
From the depths of our hearts,
To the farthest star,
Hold this earth safe where we are, hold this earth safe where we are.
To the tune of ‘Frere Jacques’
Cut our carbon, down to zero,
Do it now! Do it now!
Citizens’ Assembly, Citizens’ Assembly,
Tells you how, tells you how!
To the tune of ‘Oh When The Saints’
Oh don’t you know, oh don’t you care?
There’s too much poison in our air!
The greatest way to carbon capture,
Is to plant trees everywhere!
To the tune of ‘Bella Ciao’
We need to wake up, We need to wise up
We need to open our eyes and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
We’re on a planet, That has a problem
We’ve got to solve it, get involved and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
So make it greener, So make it cleaner
So make it last, mend it fast and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
No point in waiting, Or hesitating
We must get wise, take no more lies and do it now now now
We need to build a better future
And we need to start right now
Go Green! (To the tune of ‘Jolene’_
Go Green, Go Green, Go Green, Go Green,
We’re asking you to leave, don’t take our land.
Go Green, Go Green, Go Green, Go Green,
Don’t think we can’t stop you cause we can.
Now I could easily understand
how you would want to frack our land
but you don’t know what it means to us, go green.
It’s beauty is beyond compare
a common land for all to share
but you don’t know what it means to us, go green.
While CO2 is on the rise,
you’re standing there in mock surprise,
we have to keep it in the ground, go green
This planet is our only home,
no planet B, we’re all alone,
we have to keep it in the ground, go green.
To tune of ‘This is me’ (from ‘The Greatest Showman’)
When the sharpest blades try and cut her down
And strongest drill drills into the ground
Earth is brave
Earth is bruised
Earth is where we all must live
Time to give
Look out ’cause here we come
And we’re marching on to the beat we drum
We’re not scared to be seen
We’ll make no apology, set Earth free
Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh, oh
Gentle Round
Fire Fire,
Fire Fire,
Fire fire fire fire in my soul
Keep on burning,
Keep on burning,
Keep on burning, burning, burning in my soul